Indoor Air Quality system which links with BMS to deliver healthier, cheaper
and more efficient environments: in our offices, hospitals and schools.

We are only just beginning to fully understand how air pollution can affect the brain and the mind.
It may look like the air is empty, but that's far from the truth. 1m³ of air weighs 1.2kg and contains 1 trillion molecules and atoms. If the concentrations of gases and particles in this mixture of air is not right then it can really affect our health, wellbeing and cognitive ability. So it's important to have accurate information that can help us make good decisions.

Developing a clearer picture: built on data
Butterfly indoor air quality sensors have been engineered to accurately record a wealth of data, which can be intuitively understood at a glance. Complexity made intelligible, and ready to be acted on.
Meet the GloWING Interface
Intuitive knowledge – Understand at a glance. Butterfly wings to glow in
evocative colours which change to indicate indoor air quality at any time.

Materials for construction were selected based on their compatibility with the
array of sensitive internal instruments, high recycled content and fire safety.

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